Saturday, March 5, 2011

8 weeks!

My little one turned 8 weeks old yesterday.  I truly can't believe it has been that long since he was born!  Wow!! Time really does fly, especially with a lively toddler to take care of also.  The baby is so, so good; we are very lucky.  We pretty much hit the baby jackpot twice- both of our sons were low maintenance, colic-free and great sleepers fairly early on.  Both were stinkers when it came to eating, but with a little help, were chunking up in no time!

I really feel so very blessed to be a mommy, and that these little angels picked me to be theirs.  I am very in love with my boys and am trying to soak in every second of them being so little.  I know one day I will have two teenagers on my hands, and I will long for this time, so I am trying to appreciate it while it lasts.  Who cares if my house is covered in toys, the laundry is piled up and I desperately need a pedicure and to get rid of the pregnancy weight?  For now, I will just enjoy every second with my baby loves!!!


  1. sweet. There is simply nothing better than a new baby! Congrats!

  2. Thank you!! Loving every minute!!!
