Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words?

First, my dilemma.... to post pictures of my family on here or not?  I wanted this to be a pretty anonymous blog, and plus I am worried about my kiddos' safety.... My hubby is in a high-profile line of work, so I'm not sure that it is smart to include photos and/or identifying information on here.... though we both have FB accounts, and we post plenty of photos on there.  Hmmm.... any thoughts?  Should I post photos of them, just not their full names?  I really would love any input you have!

I've gone back and forth many times with this... I want this to be a true "diary" of our life as a family, and I would love to have this blog full of pictures so my boys can have it as a online scrapbook of sorts one day. Then again, what if they don't want their pictures on here?  And I doubt they will appreciate my detailed accounts of potty-training them being on the internet when they are 13!  So I just don't know.

While I think about it more, here are some photos I have taken recently with my new love.

*Disclaimer: I know NOTHING about photography and am just playing around with this amazing camera.  I am hoping to take a class on using my DSLR this summer.  Until then, youtube has been teaching me the absolute basics.  So no mean comments on my lack of skills, please!  I will get better with time!!

Here are some non-face pics of my little angels:

Showing off a new teething toy he picked out for the baby.

Yummy toes

Such long fingers, just like his big brother.
And now, some non-kid pictures I took while playing around with the settings on my camera:

Friday, May 27, 2011

My Aching Head

I have been having the WORST headaches on and off for the last few weeks... I'm not sure if they are migraines or not, but they are brutal.  Since I am nursing, I'm not sure of what to take.  Any ideas, mamas?  So far I have been just using ibuprofen and it is just not cutting it. :(  Help!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Babies and Dogs

Nothing better than those two, right?? Right. Check out this cuteness on YouTube:

This video came from one of my fave blogs, which is written by a sweet girl who I went to high school with.  For every view of this clip that they get, it counts as an entry into a contest to win $20,000 worth of furniture!  Check it out- it's only 37 seconds and it's adorable!!

If you can't see the above video, click here.

Good luck, Spohr Family! I hope you win!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mama's Got a Brand New Bag!

For my birthday a few months ago, I got a GORGEOUS new diaper bag:

I am in love with it!!! Thank you hubby!!! As if that weren't enough, he ALSO got me an exquisite new camera bag:

The only problem was I didn't have the DSLR camera to go in it yet.  I have been wanting one for soooo long, but they are so pricey, so I have been holding out.  I saw a good deal at Costco for the camera that I wanted, plus an extra lens, for cheaper than the cost of just the camera at Best Buy .  But of course when I went back to get it, they were sold out.  I learned they weren't getting any more, so I was back to square one.  Then, for Mother's Day, the hubs took me to a local camera store and bought me my newest baby:

Its official name is the Canon EOS Rebel T2i, but my name for it is my new love. Why? Because it can take stunning pictures of all my true loves!! I am having soooo much fun taking photos of our little family.  Hubs, if you're reading this, you are so generous and thoughtful and I am sooooooo grateful.  I don't know how I lucked out with a hubby like you, and NOT because of all the pretty things that you buy me!!!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Mommas on a Mission

Found this video in the comment section of one of my favorite mommy blogs. How cute are these preggers?

Expectant Mommies Flash Mob

For every view on Youtube, the March of Dimes will receive a dime for research to prevent babies from being born too soon. Such a worthwhile cause, and such an adorable video!

Being pregnant is truly such a magical thing. I am so grateful that I was able to have two successful pregnancies, and that I got my two healthy, wonderful, perfect babies from them. Words cannot express how thankful I am to God for the gift of my boys. I am so, so lucky, and try never to take it for granted that I was so blessed to have two full-term pregnancies after a couple bumps in the road to mommyhood. I will never compare my experience to anyone else's loss, or say that I truly understand, because of course I don't- but my heart aches for the mamas that have experienced any babyloss. It is just not fair, and I pray that they get the babies that they deserve. I really do. And I am honored to support an organization that will help make that happen!

Check out how awesome the March of Dimes is, and sign up to March for Babies!! I've marched, and I will do it again and again, with my two cutie pies decked out in purple!